The announcement has been made that the 2020 edition of the Telluride Horror Show will be conducted from the privacy of our own living rooms, giving an opportunity for people across the country to participate in the horror festival at the top of the Rockies.
In honor of the announcement of the digitization of the 2020 Horror Show, come with us while we remember last year and the festival that was.
Ep 89- The Nighthawks Telluride Horror Show ’19 TelluLive (on Memorex) Halloween Special with Special Ghost-Host Fancy Mark Ball
(Trademark possibly pending).
Matt, Trevor, and Mark bring you the low down from two miles up (give or take) in the beautiful mountain community of Telluride, Colorado. As it would so happen, the Telluride Horror Show was also in town- so we have a lot of relevant stuff to talk about.
No Spoilers for these films, in this episode.
The guys want you to look out for MAKING MONSTERS and AFTER MIDNIGHT. These are two horror films that want to play and expand into very different but very interesting territories in the genre.
The guys also discuss the (capital-G) Genius of Joe Bob Briggs and Darcy the Mail Ghoul, who stopped by and pressed the flesh while dropping heavy knowledge bombs like college. We ate it up like groceries. Clips used from MonsterVision on TNT, courtesy of TNT and Turner companies, and is presented for educational purposes. For more information on MonsterVision, visit your local internet provider.
For a genuine dose of the Joe Bob Briggs and Darcy the Mail Ghoul, watch Joe Bob’s Last Drive-In on Shudder.
Ep 90- The Nighthawks Telluride Horror Show ’19 2lluride Halloween Special Part 2 with Spectral Ghost-Host Fancy Mark Ball Again
The guys talk about hotly anticipated films from Hulu and Netflix, ELI and WOUNDS. Matt has opinions on the film 1BR, Mark talks THE DEEPER YOU DIG, and Trevor makes the case for SCARE PACKAGE.
Matt, Trevor, and Mark bring you the low down from two miles up (give or take) in the beautiful mountain community of Telluride, Colorado. As it would so happen, the Telluride Horror Show was also in town- so we have a lot of relevant stuff to talk about.
Sure to become a fan favorite, VFW gets a look from our panel, while opinions differ on the upcoming THE LODGE.
Don’t forget the word is: Don’t miss SWEETHEART.
Oh. Hi, Mark.

Spectral guest co-ghost Mark Ball, who dabbles in action figure animation, worked on this music video from the band Pleasure People, for their single Miss Midnight.
Mark’s 2019 submission to the Fantastic Fest bumper competition can be found here.
Doing the Nasty is a podcast surrounding the Video Nasties of film history and lore, and can be found here.
Mark’s Instagram contains a great deal of his action figure photography and can be found here:
For more information on the Telluride Horror Show, check their website. Information for the 2020 Shelter-In-Place edition is already being posted.
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