Black Christmas- The Holiday Films of Shane Black

Return with us to a simpler time as we reheat these holiday classic Nighthawks episodes…

Ep 19- Lethal Weapon & Long Kiss Goodnight

Many years ago The Nighthawks decided that they would ring in the holiday with a retrospective of the holiday films of Shane Black. Shane served as writer for the two movies in Episode 19.

The first is the best buddy-cop action comedy of all time: Lethal Weapon. Followed that up with the criminally overlooked, and oft underrated THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT.

Black was, at one point, the highest-paid writer in Hollywood, due in no small part to the success of LETHAL WEAPON and by a huge payday for THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT. Later, Shane would try his hand at directing, but that’s another story for another day…

Ep 20- Kiss, Kiss Bang, Bang & Iron Man Three

When first we discussed Shane Black the writer, now we explore him as a writer-director. First off, the criminally underrated black comedy noir (forgive the literal redundancy) KISS KISS BANG BANG.

A petty thief accidentally catches the attention of a talent agent in LA. When he’s taking “Detective Lessons” from a real Hollywood P.I., the thief and the detective become wrapped up in a steamy and salacious case.

We then switch gears and take up arms to defend a blockbuster film that the Nighthawks feel was unfairly maligned. Iron-Man is back to the skies and fighting off a vast terrorist organization in IRON MAN THREE. But when Tony Stark finds himself trapped in the Midwest without his trademark suits, it takes the Stark ingenuity to investigate the crime, and find the culprit. Of course, true to Black form, both films take place during the Christmas season.

Ep 93- The Nice Guys

Matt and Trevor are talking about his 1970s period detective comedy The Nice Guys.

First up though, the guys have been watching The Mandalorian on Disney+ an have a few spoiler free thoughts. Also with an equipped spoiler curtain in place the Nighthawks examine another writer/director turn by Shane Black.

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