Author: Trevor T. Trujillo

Nighthawks Reheated: Ep 24- ‘Lemmy’ and ‘Bowie: Five Years’ (Goodnight To Lemmy and The Thin White Duke)

The beginning of 2016 was a rough one, and things didn’t let up. While we can all claim a certain amount of grievance geopolitically, it was also a particularly hard year for celebrity deaths. At the end of 2015 we lost the rock god Lemmy Kilmister, weeks later followed musical legend David Bowie, and not […]

Ep 79 The Poseidon Adventure (aka Poseidon Upside Down Quake)

Happy New Year to all of the listeners of the Nighthawks Podcast. As the slow march of time slowly ticks over an arbitrary number assigned by men to account for revolutions around the sun, the boys decide to join in the festivities with a movie that starts with a New Year’s Eve Celebration. According to […]

Ep 78- Twilight Zone: Night of the Meek

You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead—your next stop, the Twilight Z-Ho-Ho-Ho-ne! It is the holiday season, and as many people, both secular and spiritual, gather for feasts and […]

Ep 77 Collateral (Cruisey like a Foxx)

Our last episode was full of characters. Main characters, side characters, comic relief characters, live characters, dead characters, even weird child characters. We decided this time out, we’d go for something a little more bottled up. A little more nocturnal. You might say we’re putting the podcast on … Cruise control. We’re watching the 2004, […]

Ep 75- The Purge: Election Year (A Nighthawks’ Election Special)

Look, folks. Vote. That’s the takeaway, here. That’s all we want you to do, is just exercise your right, should that be something you possess. We acknowledge that some of our listeners may not be eligible. We know that some of our listeners don’t live in the United States of America. Some people who hear […]