Author: Trevor T. Trujillo

Ep. 65- Mystery Men aka Superteam like it’s 1999

As of this writing, The Avengers: Infinity War is on pace to shatter a $2-billion global box office. The superheroes have arrived, and it doesn’t matter if you like it or not, they’re here to stay. After all, they’re stronger than us, and can make demands of our Earthly dollars. However, there was another time. […]

Ep 63 The Big Lebowski- Uncensored 4/20 Edition

The Nighthawks Diner is many things to many people. It’s conceptual. That’s how it works. For some people, it’s a great place for coffee and pie, after you catch a movie. For others, it’s a good place for coffee and pie, after you catch a buzz. No matter if you’re satiating your artistic interpretation, or […]

Ep. 62- Gone in 60 Seconds (2000)

Much like the slice of conceptual pie that our listeners treat themselves to at the end of every NIGHTHAWKS episode, this slice of the NIGHTHAWKS PODCAST is indulgent. The boys sit down and reach into the slimy and slippery muck that is their interior feelings, you’ll find this movie nestled snug against the heartstrings: GONE […]

Ep 61- The Unfilmable Ernest Cline- Ready Player One

Listen, gang. The Nighthawks get it. They’re not out to snag a few clicks and a few downloads by offering a contrarian opinion to the Zeitgeist. However, they also feel the need to be completely honest with you, and the truth is that sometimes these opinions run contrary to the overwhelming opinion of the populace. […]

Ep 59- Oscars 2018: Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the (Oscar) pool

It is a time of fabulous celebration, million-dollar dresses, hundred-million-dollar movies, and billion dollar returns. But more than the monetary value, and the superficial outward appearance, Hollywood is getting together this weekend to honor achievement in film. Joining us for a third year in a row is the official Nighthawks Oscar Czar, Cameron Maris, who […]